Welcome to the LSUHSC School of Public Health
2023 Delta Omega Honors Day Poster Session
Benjamin Bienvenue
MD/MPH (Epidemiology)
Molecular Testing (MSI/IHC) in Newly Diagnosed CRC Patients in Louisiana, with Differences by Race and Level of Urbanization
Noah Black-Ocken
DVM/MPH (Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences)
Pulmonary Health Impacts of Golden Flavor Vused Alto Aerosols of Vulnerable Populations of Young Mice
Jacob Cambre
MD/MPH in Health Policy and Systems Management
Gabapentin to Cyclobenzaprine: A Case of Acute Reversible Iotrengic Anticlolinergic Delirium Influenced by Schedule V Classifications
Kelly Chau
MD/MPH (Behavioral and Community Health Sciences)
Perceptions of Manual Vaccum among Resident and Attending Physicians in Louisiana
Kennedy Dorsey
MS in Biostatistics
Explaining Differences in Cardiovascular Disease Occurrence for Cigarette Users
Ashley Fenton, MS
PhD in Community Health Sciences
Sociodemographic Similarities and Differences among Youth Participating in Camp Mariposa Mentoring Program
Gabrielle Gonzalez, MPH
PhD in Community Health Sciences
Extended Reality and Binge Eating Behaviors among Diverse Racial and Ethnic Groups
Alissa Lacy Hembree
MPH (Behavioral and Community Health Sciences)
From Delays to Denials: An Exploration of the Impact of "Grounds-Based" Abortion Restrictions on Mental Health
Sara Juneau, MPH
PhD in Community Health Sciences
Implementing SBIRT and Person-Centered Care for Louisiana's Families in Needs of Services
James Wes Kinchen
MPH (Epidemiology)
Neighborhood Influences on Health Behaviors of Childhood Cancer Survivors
Kyle Mistretta
MD/MPH (Behavioral and Community Health Sciences)
The Complex Relationship between Stigma, Health Literacy and Chronic Disease in People with HIV
Bryanna Reinhardt
MD/MPH (Health Policy and Systems Management)
A Phase-I Clinical Trial CAR T-Cell Therapy with Autologous Hemotopoietic Stem Cells
in a Multi-Cultural Patient Population
Victoria Sacco, MPH
MPH (Behavioral and Community Health Sciences)
Correction Visitation and Reentry Outcomes: A Systematic Review
Krishna Thakkar
MPH (Behavioral and Community Health Sciences)
The Future of Public Health: How the COVID-19 Pandemic Affected a Public Health Education
Willandra Whiting, MPH
PhD in Community Health Sciences
Science Implementation Applied: Expansion of Evidence-Based Programs in Louisiana
Yaqi Zou,MS
PhD in Biostatistics
Environmental, Behavioral and Genetic Factors on Racial Disparities in Breast Cancer Outcomes