List of Research Projects:
Our Center is made of up five integrated projects that focus on
environmentally persistent free radicals. Two projects are biomedical
research projects and three project involve environmental science and
engineering research:
- Project 1: Environmentally Persistent Free Radicals Alter Pulmonary
Immunologic Homeostasis (Principal Investigator: Stephania Cormier)
- Project 2: Combustion-Generated EPFRs: Assessing Cardiovascular
Risks of Exposure (Principal Investigator: Tammy Dugas)
- Project 3: Hazardous Waste Thermal Treatment and Community Exposure
to Environmentally Persistent Free Radicals (Principal Investigator:
Jennifer Richmond-Bryant)
- Project 4: Activation, Sensing, and Prevention of Formation of EPFRs
in Thermal Treatment of Superfund Wastes (Principal Investigator: Slawo
- Project 5: Microstructural Pathway of EPFR Formation and Their Decay
Mechanisms (Principal Investigator: Phillip Sprunger)
- The application entitled “Support Enhancement of Software Tools for
Multilevel Mediation Analysis for Investigating Effects of Environmental
and Individual Risk Factors on Respiratory Diseases” was awarded. The
purpose is to develope RShiny apps for the implementation of our novel
mediation analysis methods.